1. Langue et littérature

  • Manuel Sartori, Marie Baize-Varin, Marḥaba yā ṣabāya, yā šabāb ! Manuel d’arabe du Proche-Orient. Parler de Damas – niveau 1
  • Manuel Sartori, Rita Moucannas, Les mots pour le dire en arabe. Vocabulaire moderne par thèmes. قلها بالعربية (Qul-hā bi-l-ʿarabiyya)
  • Najla Nakhlé-Cerruti, Iyas Hassan (dir.), La littérature aux marges du ʾadab. Regards croisés sur la prose arabe classique
  • Sébastien Garnier, Lara Harb, Arabic Poetics. Aesthetic Experience in Classical Arabic Literature

2. Islamologie, droit, philosophie, sciences

  • Paul Neuenkirchen, Pierre Larcher, Sur le Coran. Nouvelles approches linguistiques
  • Hassan Chahdi, Shady H. Nasser, The Second Canonization of the Qur’ān (324/936). Ibn Mujāhid and the Fouding of the Seven Readings
  • Guillaume Dye, Carlos Segovia (ed.), Remapping Emergent Islam. Texts, Social Settings, and Ideological Trajectories
  • Emmanuelle Stefanidis, Andreas Kaplony, Michael Marx, Qur’an Quotations Preserved on Papyrus Documents, 7h-10th Centuries. And the Problem of Carbon Dating Early Qur’ans
  • Jean-Jacques Thibon, Aiyub Palmer, Sainthood and Authority in Early Islam: Al-Ḥakīm al-Tirmidhī’s Theory of wilāya and the Reenvisioning of the Sunnī Caliphate
  • Pierre Lory, Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, avec des contributions de Orkhan Mir-Kasimov et Mathieu Terrier, Ali, le secret bien gardé – figures du premier maître en spiritualité shi’ite
  • Ilyass Amharar, Laura Hassan, Ash’arism Encounter Avicennism. Sayf al-Dīn al-Āmidī on Creation
  • Constance Arminjon, Majid Daneshgar, Studying the Qur’ān in the Muslim Academy
  • Faruk Bilici, Katharina A. Ivanyi, Virtue, Piety and the Law, a Study of Birgivî Mehmed Efendî’s al-Tarīqa al-muhammadiyya

3. Histoire

  • Emmanuelle Vagnon-Chureau, Nadja Danilenko, Picturing the Islamicate World. The story of al-Istakhri’s Book of Routes and Realms
  • Ingrid Houssaye Michienzi, Katrin Kogman-Appel, Catalan Maps and Jewish Books. The Intellectual profile of Elisha ben Abraham Cresques (1325-1387)
  • Denise Aigle, Michael Borgolte, World History as the History of Foundations 3000 BCA to 1500 CE. translated by Zachary Chitwood
  • Véronique Pitchon, Véronique Boudon-Millot, Françoise Micheau (dir.), La thériaque : Histoire d’un remède millénaire
  • Rémy Gareil, Brian Ulrich, Arabs in the Early Islamic Empire. Exploring al-Azd Tribal Identity
  • Bastien Dumont, Philip Wood, The Imam of the Christians: The World of Dionysius of Tel-Mahre, c. 750-850
  • Adrien de Jarmy, Stephen J. Shoemaker, A Prophet has Appeared. The Rise of Islam through Christian and Jewish Eyes. A Sourcebook
  • Enki Baptiste, Ismail Albayrak, Approaches to Ibāī Exegetical Tradition
  • Jennifer Vanz, Clara Almagro Vidal, Jessica Tearney-Pearce, Luke Yarbrough (éd.), Minorities in contact in the Medieval Mediterranean
  • Camille Rouxpetel, William Chester Jordan, The Apple of His Eye. Converts from Islam in the Reign of Louis IX
  • Mehdi Berriah, Clément Onimus, Les maîtres du jeu. Pouvoir et violence politique à l’aube du sultanat mamlouk circassien (784-815/1382-1412)
  • Hicham El Aallaoui, Amira K. Bennison, The Almoravid and Almohad Empires
  • Dominique Valérian, Reuven Amitai, Christoph Cluse (éd.), Slavery and the Slave Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean (c. 1000–1500 ce)
  • Dominique Valérian, Hassan S. Khalilieh, Islamic law of the sea: freedom of navigation and passage rights in Islamic thought
  • Jan Jelinowski, Stefan Kamola, Making Mongol History, Rashid al-Din and the Jamiʿ al-tawarikh
  • Jan Jelinowski, Timothy May, Dashdondog Bayarsaikhan, Christopher P. Atwood (éds.), New Approaches to Ilkhanid History
  • Malika Dekkiche, Jo Van Steenbergen (ed.), Trajectories of State Formation across fifteenth-century Islamic West-Asia. Eurasian Parallels, Connections and Divergences
  • Ingrid Houssaye Michienzi, E. Natalie Rothman, The Dragoman Renaissance. Diplomatic Interpreters and the Routes of Orientalism
  • Alexandre Papas, Buket Kitapçı Bayrı, Warriors, Martyrs, and Dervishes. Moving Frontiers, Shifting Identities in the Land of Rome (13th-15th Centuries)
  • Vincent Thérouin, Gábor Kármán (éd.), Tributaries and Peripheries of the Ottoman Empire
  • Vincent Thérouin, Tamás Pálosfalvi, From Nicopolis to Mohács: A History of Ottoman-Hungarian Warfare, 1389-1526
  • Vincent Thérouin, York Allan Newman, Islamization in Bosnia: Sarajevo’s Conversion and Socio-Economic Development, 1461-1604
  • Frédéric Hitzel, Sinem Erdoğan İşkorkutan, The 1720 Imperial Circumcision Celebrations in Istanbul: Festivity and Representation in the Early Eighteenth Century

4. Anthropologie, ethnologie, sociologie

  • Bulle Tuil Leonetti, Mathieu Terrier, Sepideh Parsapajouh (dir.), Cimetières et tombes dans les mondes musulmans. À la croisée des enjeux religieux, politiques et mémoriels
  • Michel Boivin, Mariam Abou Zahab, Pakistan. A Kaleidoscope of Islam
  • Michel Boivin, Daphna Ephrat, Ethel Sara Wolper, Paulo G. Pinto (eds), Saintly Spheres and Islamic Landscapes. Emplacements of Spiritual Power across Time and Place

5. Arts et archéologie

  • Nuria Garcia Masip, Cailah Jackson, Islamic Manuscripts of Late Medieval Rūm 1270-1370: Production, Patronage and the Arts of the Book
  • Mélisande Bizoirre, Nikolaos Vryzidis (éd.), The Hidden Life of Textiles in the Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean. Contexts and cross-cultural encounters in the Islamic, Latinate and Eastern Christian Worlds
  • Francis Richard, Rachel Finnegan, Richard Pococke’s Letters from the East (1737-1740)
  • Éloïse Brac de la Perrière, Mika Natif, Mughal Occidentalism: Artistic Encounters between Europe and Asia at the Courts of India, 1580-1630
  • Sarah Lakhal, Francine Giese, Mercedes Volait, Ariane Varela Braga, À l’orientale: Collecting, Displaying and Appropriating Islamic Art and Architecture in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
  • Mercedes Volait, Michel Chauveau, Jean-Luc Fournet, Jean-Michel Mouton (dirs), Curiosité d’Égypte. Entre quête de soi et découverte de l’autre, de l’Antiquité à l’époque contemporaine
  • Michel Terrasse, Charles Genequand, Max van Berchem, un orientaliste
  • Audrey Caire, Marianne Brisville, Audrey Renaud, Núria Rovira, L’alimentation en Méditerranée occidentale aux époques antiques et médiévales. Archéologie, bioarchéologie et histoire
  • Sandra Aube, Viola Allegranzi, Valentina Laviola (éds.), Texts and Contexts. Ongoing Researches on the Eastern Iranian World (Ninth-Fifteenth c.)
  • Agnès Charpentier, María Marcos Cobaleda (dir.), Al-Murābiūn (los Almorávides): un imperio islámico occidental. Estudios en memoria del profesor Henri Terrasse
  • Claire Hardy-Guilbert, Stéphane Pradines (éd.), Ports & Fortifications in the Muslim World. Coastal Military Architecture from the Arab Conquest to the Ottoman Period
  • Marie-Anna Chevalier, Dweezil Vanderkerckhove, Medieval Fortifications in Cilicia. The Armenian Contribution to Military Architecture in the Middle Ages
  • Frédéric Hitzel, Nikos D. Kontogiannis, Stefania S. Skartsis (eds.), Venetian and Ottoman Heritage in the Aegean. The Bailo House in Chalcis

6. Codicologie, édition et traduction de textes

  • Christopher Melchert, Ziad Bou Akl, Une doxographie sunnite du IVe/Xe siècle. « Kitāb al-Maqālāt » d’Abū al-ʿAbbās al-Qalānisī
  • Brigitte Marino, Sa‘īd Al-Ǧūmānī, Maktaba madrasiyya fī Ḥalab. Al-daftar al-muǧaddad li-kutub waqf ‘Uṯmān Bāšā al-Dūrikī