Le complexe de ‘Abd al-Samad à Natanz: contextes et décors

Journée d’études organisée par Yves Porter (Université Aix-Marseille)

Pour tout renseignement : yvesporter@gmail.com

Programme :

  • 9h00: Introduction. Yves Porter (LA3M/IUF)
  • 9h30: A Half Century of (Unanswered) Questions. Sheila Blair (Boston College)
  • 10h15: Some new interpretations about the patrons of the shrine complex. David Durand-Guédy (Téhéran)

10h45: Coffee break



Archives & collections

  • 11h: Defaced birds: Iconoclasm and identifying luster tiles from the shrine complex at Natanz. Fuchsia Hart (Victoria & Albert Museum, Londres),Hossein Nakhaei (Université de Pittsburg)
  • 11h45: On the trail of the Natanz lustre tiles: the contribution of the collections and archives of the Musée national de céramique de Sèvres. Delphine Miroudot (MNC, Sèvres):

12h30-13h30: Lunch Break

Geometry & décor

  • 13h45: The Tilework of the Mosque, Minaret and Khanqah of Natanz. Bernard O’Kane (American University, Le Caire)
  • 14h30: Geometric investigations and graphic analysis of Natanz tile patterns and muqarnas. Vicenza Garofalo (Université de Palerme)
  • 15h15: The ‘Abd al-Samad Complex in Natanz and its Stuccos: Art, Artists and Aesthetics. Ana Marija Grbanovic (University of Bamberg-KDWT)
  • 16h45: From the shrine to the Museum: New Perspectives on the Quranic Bird’s Frieze from ‘Abd al-Samad at Natanz. Anaïs Leone (LA3M, Sorbonne Université),  Richard McClary (Université de York)

17h30: Conclusion.