Sensory Heritages & Sensitive Memories in the Balkans
Atelier doctoral : Sensory Heritages & Sensitive Memories in the Balkans : The Balkans. Spaces, Societies, History – 3rd Summer School.
Applications should be made online via the Missions de l’EFA platform before January 31, 2024
Organisateurs : École française d’Athènes, École française de Rome, CETOBAC (UMR8032 CNRS/EHESS), Aix-Marseille University (Institut SoMuM, UMR 7303 TELEMMe, AMU-CNRS), Università degli studi di Trieste, University Lumière-Lyon2 (UMR 5600 EVS), University Sveti Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, University Paisii Hilendarski, Plovdiv
The themes delineated above will be articulated around several lines: the following list, even if not exhaustive, is intended to serve as general guidelines for the doctoral students’ research proposals.
- The senses, time capsule? Senses, ways of being, nostalgia.
- Memory and intimacy through the senses.
- Sensoriality, sociability, power.
- Sensitive landscapes and sensory scapes (visioscapes, smellscapes, soundscapes…).
- The tastes and distastes of the Balkans.
- Politicizing and moralizing the senses.
- Sound, music and concurrent cultural intimacies.
- Mobilizations around sensitive heritages: which senses to promote in Intangible Cultural Heritage programs?