When Purity Rules become Literature – Cultic Purity in the Text and behind the Text of the Hebrew Bible


    Lundi 26 mars 2018 de 16h à 18h
    Conférence et vidéo conférence de Johanna Erzberger, Université Cardiff
    _ Sur place au CNRS d’Ivry sur Seine, 27 rue Paul Bert, métro Porte de Choisy/Porte d’Ivry, salle C en sous-sol
    ou à distance par vidéo-conférence

      Monday, March 26, 2018 4 p.m.-6 p.m.(Paris time)
      A lecture by Johanna Erzberger, Cardiff University
      CNRS building, 27 rue Paul Bert, Porte de Choisy/Porte d’Ivry subway station, room C in the basement or by distance through video-conference

      Cette conférence est la 17e séance mensuelle du séminaire interdisciplinaire :
      “The Individual and his Body in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin” organisé par Alice Mouton.

      Résumé : In the so-called priestly texts within the Hebrew Bible, which might constitute one of the earliest continuous textual levels of the Torah, purity rules play an essential role. In their literary context, they are closely connected to a utopian constitution of a people who, at the likely time of the utopia’s origin (after the conquest of Judah and Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 587 BCE), lacked a cultic center as well as a political center of power. These purity rules imply ideas of the human body that might have parallels in other Ancient Near Eastern cultures and are only partly transfigured by their literary context. They have either been understood as an expression of an understanding of the human body predating the literature that makes use of them or as a pure literary device. I assume that both approaches have shortcomings. Utopian concepts (including underlying body concepts) have roots in a reality behind the text. This lecture will try to understand body concepts underlying the priestly purity rules in this multidimensional context.

  • Pour en savoir plus : http://www.orient-mediterranee.com/spip.php?article3088
    • Pour assister à la conférence (sur place à Ivry sur Seine ou par video-conference) merci de vous inscrire gratuitement à l’adresse suivante :
      More about this seminar

      All the persons who are interested in attending the session (either in Ivry sur Seine or through video-conference) are welcome for free but should register by e-mail beforehand.
      contact: alice.mouton@cnrs.fr

    _ avec le soutien du Labex RESMED